Support Taryn Tyler as a Seeker
Seekers are curious about Taryn Tyler’s work and want to explore more of it. Benefits of this Tier are:
Honorable mention in the Acknowledgments section of any books released during patronage.
Support Taryn Tyler as a Dreamer
Dreamers love Taryn Tyler’s work and want to support her so she can continue to produce more of it. Benefits of this Tier are:
Honorable mention in the Acknowledgments section of any books released during patronage.
Free short stories and bonus chapters
Support Taryn Tyler as a Believer
Believers believe wholeheartedly in Taryn Tyler’s work and don’t want to miss a second of it. Benefits of this Tier are:
Honorable mention in the Acknowledgments section of any books released during patronage.
Free short stories and bonus chapters
Taryn Tyler will write you a sonnet
Free copies of any books released during patronage